So, LG is fashionably late to the party, but its flagship Optimus 4X HD has finally gone on sale in select European markets. On paper, the new Optimus has what it takes to stand up to the S III and One X. It features a 4.7-inch IPS screen, 1.5GHz Tegra 3 processor, 1GB of RAM, 16GB of storage and a microSD slot. It also boasts an 8-megapixel camera, NFC and even an FM radio.
A couple of German retailers have already started shipping it and has it in stock, too. The asking price is €509, which is HTC One X money and it is about €70 cheaper than the Galaxy S III. Not bad value at all and let’s not forget that this is the launch price, so it should slide under the €499 mark in no time.