Apple loses top award to Samsung
Samsung Galaxy SII is better than the iPhone 4S
Apple's bid to compete with the Samsung Galaxy SII as the world's best smart phone appear to be failing dismally.
The Galaxy SII was crowned Phone of the Year at last night's Stuff Gadget Awards over the iPhone 4S. This would be the first time in three years that an iPhone hasn't won the award. Apple must be the first company in the history of the awards which has attempted to enter the same phone as last year with a different chip and claim it is up-to-date.
Will Findlater, editor of Stuff magazine, said: 'This year’s Stuff Awards are proof that the gadget world is more innovative and exciting than ever, shining brightly against a backdrop of financial doom and gloom. The gap between winners and shortlisted runners-up has never been so tight.'
Apple should not be too concerned. Apple fanboys will buy anything it tells them is new and its lawyers are currently patent trolling Samsung out of the market place. All the award proves is that the Galaxy SII is technologically superior to the iPhone 4S, which we knew anyway. But since when did having superior technology mean that you win in technology races. Ask IBM how its OS2 went.