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Android 4.0 SDK is out
The mod race begins
Nexus Prime ended up as Galaxy Nexus, Optimus Prime and his copyrights need not be alarmed. Ice Cream Sandwich is officially Android 4.0 which sounds much better and a bit less fun.
Anyway, the new phone was released during the Google / Samsung event in Hong Kong just a few hours ago and we also got a confirmation that the official Ice Cream Sandwich SDK is out. This means that the modders have already started to port as the Holy Grail is to make Android 4.0 works on some existing Android phones.
Nexus S will probably be the first one to get the official Android 4.0 update, with the exception of Galaxy
Nexus that got it from day one. However, but many current Android phone users want to see Android 4.0 on their phones. As many of you know, most companies don’t have an impressive track record when it comes to Android updates.
HTC, Samsung, LG and many others tend to use their own user interfaces and it usually translates to delays in the introduction of any new operating system on existing handsets. Even the new Motorola Razr has Gingerbread Android 2.3 on it and it will possibly get an update to Android 4.0, but it will definitely
take some time.
The SDK is available on the official website here, but it is probably a better idea to get in touch with XDA developers and talk to other modders if you are one of these port creators. Some app dumps and original announcements are here.
Let's see how many days these skilled modders need to make Ice Cream Sandwich boots on some existing phones and let alone make true the dream of having a fully functional CyanogenMod or something similar on your old Android phone. Our hopes fuelled by optimism are quite high, if we may add this for our Xmas wish list, or perhaps even in time for Thanksgiving.