Published in Mobiles

Android generates $2.5 billion a year

by on14 October 2011

7% of Google revenues

Google CEO Larry Page announced that there are more than 190 million Android devices in circulation worldwide. With mobile advertising, Google generates about $2.5 billion a year on the new platform, says Page.

Page told investors that Android’s growth was “mind-boggling” and that it would only get better with the introduction of Ice Cream Sandwich. According to fresh estimates, more than 800,000 Android devices are activated each day and the number is expected to hit 1 million by December.

Although $2.5 billion sounds like a lot of dosh for us mere mortals, Android revenue makes up just 7 percent of Google’s annual revenues. However, with steady growth over the past few quarters, Android revenue could make up a much larger piece of the cake next year. This explains why the logo is green.

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