Published in Mobiles

Apple's iOS5 upgrade stuffed by servers

by on13 October 2011

Takes hours

Apple users are complaining that Jobs' Mob's servers are not up to managing the upgrade to iOS5.

Millons of fanboys are hitting Apple's cloud in the hope of obtaining the equivalent of enlightenment by upgrading their OS to the new version. However they keep getting “Error 3200” and Jobs' Mob service reps say that the error is something they’re working on, and add that there is nothing users can do about it.

Apparently the problem is because there are too many fanboys hitting the servers at the same time and they have created a fruity DoS which is a bit like an electronic smoothy bought in Starbucks. The problem starts when your device tries to contact Apple servers for authorization and many of the requests were not being fulfilled. As a result, many users are reporting trying over again.

There are a few other problems. The new operating system requires you to reorganise all your apps. It takes three hours to back up and downloading the 700 MB upgrade takes a long time. It does show how unready Apple's cloud technology is. It would be OK if you had a nice pressie after you did all this but sadly afterwards all you get is the new Apple operating system. Hooray.

Last modified on 13 October 2011
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