Apple is a controlling freak, Jobs is arrogant, iOS is closed but at least you get all the new stuff simultaneously in most parts of the world, if not all.
Fudzilla as a media with a lot of US readers have requested a code for beta of Google music and so far we were turned down twice. Google music is a US only beta and unless you register via US proxy, you won’t be considered. The same thing happened with Google maps navigation as US got it first, followed by UK, France and Germany while smaller European countries still don’t have it.
“Thanks for your interest in Music Beta by Google. Unfortunately, we had a limited number of invites available for press and will not be able to accommodate every request. However, you are welcome to apply for an invite here:” Apple on the other hand, launches stuff like Google iClound and IOS 5 simultaneously for the whole world and Europe doesn’t gets left out.
We won’t even start with Google android ROMs as it takes up to half of year to get a new one for you phone, unless you go for unofficial and unsupported Cyanogen and similar. On this matter, Apple clearly has an advantage over Google, especially for some 5.5 billion people who happen to live outside of USA.
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Apple beats Google at European introduction

Google US first, EU and rest second
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