Beancounters at Nielson have worked out that iPhone owners have an average of 48 apps on their phones, and Android users only 35. BlackBerry users have an average of 15 apps on their phones.
Apparently iPhone and Android users "use their apps more often: 68 percent of app downloaders with iPhones and 60 percent of those with Android phones reported using their mobile apps multiple times a day compared to 45 percent of app downloaders with Blackberry/RIM phones. Palm owners came in third, with 21 apps on their phones, followed by Windows Mobile users, with 17.
It seems that people are using more apps as the technology becomes more established. Last year the average number of apps on iPhones was 37; Android, 22; Palm, 14; Windows Mobile, 13; and BlackBerry, 10.
The only question is who is using more than a dozen applications and for what?
Published in
Apple followers download more apps

Android users a little more sensible