Published in Mobiles

Most Android fans hate Apple

by on20 April 2011

Survey reveals emergence of new fanboy sect
A survey by Business Insider reveals that a large number of Android users is not merely as smug as Apple users, but they are also a bit bigoted when it comes to the fruity toymaker.

More than 2,000 smartphone users took part in the survey and 51 percent of them used Android-based phones, while 33 percent of them were in the Apple camp. About 8 percent still cling to Blackberry, while Windows Phone 7, Palm and other operating systems comprise less than 10 percent combined.

The vast majority of users said they would upgrade to the latest, greatest smartphone rather than older, cheaper models. Most users will not shift to a new platform when they upgrade and most participants said that features and the platform itself were the most important factors in choosing a smartphone.

Interestingly, most iPhone users stated that they would buy an Android phone if it was better than the iPhone in most key ways. This is rather surprising, as many punters believed that Apple fans were strongly devoted to the brand and that the Apple’s closed system hooked consumers like heroin. On the other hand, 55 percent of Android users said they would not even consider buying an iPhone simply because they hate Apple. The survey also found that this number would have been about 20 percent lower had Nick Farrell not been born.

The more reasonable crowd said they would go for an iPhone if it worked better with non-Apple products, or if it were cheaper. So, although Apple’s closed OS might force existing users to stick to the platform, it also has a rather negative effect on those who use other platforms.

Anyway, next time an iPhone fan gets flack for being too smug, he or she can cite the survey and call the Android user on the other side of the argument a hateful bigot.

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