Samsung gunning for the iPod Touch

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Apple has made a killing on its iPod touch, which is basically an iPhone which can't drop connections because it never tried to make any in the first place. Apparently the people at Samsung think that the idea is pretty good as it is going to release a new Galaxy Player at CES.
According to the Samsung Hub fanblog the new music player will be based on the company's Galaxy S smartphone, and will run Google's Android OS 2.2 Froyo. It will include a front facing VGA camera, a rear 3.2 megapixel camera, and come in 8, 16, and 32GB versions.
While it has not got the software that the iPod touch has, a Galaxy player hopes use all its Android apps and copy Apple's strategy of shoring up the iPhone platform by selling a music player that is almost functionally identical other than doing anything useful like the ability call someone.
Clearly something like that is largely useless when you can get a nice MP3 player much cheaper, and without the marketing power of Jobs, along with the gross stupidity of Apple fanboys, we can't think that Android fans are likely to fall for it.