Published in Mobiles

Apple looking at iPhone OS flaws

by on04 August 2010

Not for security reasons
Fruity peddler of broken dreams, Apple is looking seriously at a insecurity report on its iPhone OS, according to Apple Insider. French security firm Vupen posted an advisory about two critical security flaws in Apple's iOS and for once Apple sprang to attention and said it would look into it.

The flaw allows remote control of the iPhone, which would make manufacturers a little concerned, but what has made Jobs' Mob respond so quickly is that the flaw allows the perfectly legal practice of jailbreaking.

The vulnerabilities are being used by to allow users to jailbreak an iOS device and install software independent of Apple's moderated App Store.

It was all worked out by a hacker called “comex" who claims to know other potential exploits when Jobs' Mob gets wise to this flaw. Previous jailbreaks have usually required users to run software on their Mac or PC, this jailbreak takes place only on the device itself.

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