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9670 BlackBerry confirmed

RIM proceeds with clamshell design
Despite a lot of negative feedback from the Monday Morning Quarterbacks of the Internet, RIM is still moving forward with the BlackBerry 9670 clamshell, which is said to be headed to Verizon as an exclusive in the U.S., according to our sources. Whispers have been coming our way as to what to expect from the 9670 when it finally arrives.
According to what we hear, the 9670 will be running BlackBerry OS 6.0, as we have told you previously. It will use the same 1150 mAhr battery as the BlackBerry Pearl 3G, which is really no surprise considering the form factor of the 9670. While we don’t know the specifics about the battery life yet, our sources claim that it is expected to be about the same or just slightly less than the Pearl 3G. It is using a processor that is either close to or equivalent to the BlackBerry Bold, and performance is similar from what we have been told by our sources.
With the pictures of the 9670 that have been making the rounds on the Internet, it seems that people are not very excited about it and think the design looks a bit clunky compared to other recent BlackBerry releases. The latest leaked pictures seem to lend more of a refinement to the design and we think it looks much better.