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Bold 9700 to be released in white

No surprise that they are adding another color
It really comes as no surprise that RIM has decided to offer the BlackBerry Bold 9700 in a color other than black. This follows a trend that RIM has had for the past couple of years, producing the same BlackBerry in different colors for different carriers.
Apparently, white is popular and RIM has decided to produce a white version of the BlackBerry Bold 9700 that was only previously available in black. Our sources tell us that the white version of the 9700 will first arrive to some carriers outside North America, but currently there seems to be no plans to bring it to North America. Still, our sources tell us that this could change at any time and just because there are no plans by carriers in North America now does not mean that things could change very quickly. You just never know these days.
Speaking of the 9700, a new version of firmware has been released for the device. Version is an official release that is floating around that seems to fix some of the bugs that are in the earlier releases. Currently, we have no clue which carriers might be offering this version, but we have to think that with some of the major bugs that are in the previous releases that many carriers would be looking for a fix. We will have to see how many carriers can get this version through technical acceptance testing.