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First 4G network completed
Swedes and the Norwegians
They were the first to bring the concepts of seaborne invasion, navigation, rape and pillage to Europe, they also discovered America, now the Norse are the early adopters of 4G Mobile phone firm TeliaSonera has completed work on two 4G networks in Oslo and Stockholm.
The company wants punters to start using the networks in early 2010. While the network has been built, there are no handsets can yet use 4G. Initially customers will connect via a dongle and a laptop. 4G networks are based around the Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology and downlink data speeds can hit 100 megabits per second. This is ten times quicker than the fastest 3G networks.
The good thing about LTE is that it has been designed to overlay existing 3G networks and has the backing of most telcos. TeliaSonera is currently recruiting customers to pilot the network during the first quarter of 2010. So far the outfit has made no statement about the costs of connecting to the high-speed network. The dongles for connecting to the LTE network are made by Samsung. Handsets that can use LTE are expected in mid-late 2010.
Ericsson built the network in Stockholm and Chinese firm Huawei is behind the one in Oslo, Norway. Both networks cover the central regions of both cities. TeliaSonera expects many novel applications to be developed that will take advantage of the higher speeds.