Published in Mobiles

iPhones account for half of mobile data traffic

by on24 November 2009


Smug and connected

to a survey by AdMob, Apple has increased its lead in smartphone data traffic and iPhone users currently account to 50 percent of all mobile data traffic.

Symbian is strailing behind at 25 percent, a drop from 29 percent, while Android grew by one percent to 11 percent. RIM's share dropped from 8 to 7 percent and Windows Mobile dropped from 5 to 3 percent.

While Apple has still not come close to claiming 50 percent of all smartphone sales, the numbers are quite staggering. Symbian phones outsell the iPhone by 46 to 17 percent, but iPhone users still manage to account for one half of all data traffic.

Not that we're too surprised. Nokia's Symbian is really not the OS of choice for serious users or internet intensive applications.

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