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White Bold 9000 now confirmed again

Will launch as expected on October 18th
Our sources have confirmed that AT&T will release the new white-colored BlackBerry Bold 9000 on October 18th. No real surprises about the timing of the launch, as the Bold 9700 is right around the corner from AT&T, as well.
Those in the know tell us that the white edition of the Bold 9000 will be somewhat of a limited release, with some stores not even expected to receive the white version of the Bold 9000 at all. It is a bit puzzling as to why AT&T is even spending any time getting this out the door. We have to think that it is likely a little too late in the game to launch a new color, but it could be a sign that AT&T expects to have the Bold 9000 around for quite some time. As we have already previously explained, once released, the white version of the Bold 9000 will go for $199 with a two-year contract.
While it has not shown up on the AT&T Web site yet, we expect it will show up on the 18th for sure. In related news, AT&T is showing out of stock on the BlackBerry Curve 8900. We suspect that while the other models of the Curve are still showing for purchase, the 8900 might be on the way out with the Bold 9700 close to launch. Our sources are not able to confirm that the 8900 is going to be discontinued yet, but they seem to think it is likely given where they expect the Bold 9700 will be positioned in the AT&T BlackBerry lineup. We will just have to wait and see.