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iPhone gets C64 emulator
Don't you (forget about me)
One of our favorite gadgets just got an emulator for one of our favorite vintage computers, the legendary Commodore C64.
The emulator is published by Kiloo and costs $4.99, which doesn't sound like much considering you get five games: Le Mans, Jupiter Lander, Arctic Shipwreck, Dragon's Den, and Jack Attack. You'll be able to get additional games later on, and they'll probably come cheap. Considering the platform was around for more than a decade, there are hundreds of good games to choose from. Let's just hope developers pick the right ones.
The emulator can't run BASIC, or Commodore's Macintosh UI ripoff GEOS, but as a nostalgic gaming platform, it really doesn't have to. It can be used in landscape or portrait modes, and judging from the Kiloo video, everything works just fine. Also, the touchscreen joystick was implemented in such a way that it won't permanently obscure a portion of the screen, something platform lovers will appreciate.
Anyway, you can take a look at the video and if you decide to get it, choose an appropriate eighties soundtrack to play on your tape deck, without dolby, so you can enjoy the hiss.