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Sprint and Samsung to offer AM OLED

Will improve battery life and video and photo quality
Sprint Nextel has announced that it will offer high-end Samsung Electronics mobile phones with displays based on Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode (AM OLED), an emerging technology that will improve battery life and video and photo quality.
Most current mobile phones have displays based on Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), and Samsung claims that AM-OLED shows colors more vividly while also conserving battery power, as these AM OLED screens do not require a screen backlight.
According to David Owens, Sprint's director of customer acquisition, “The vibrancy of the screen is world class….Consumers are willing to pay more as long as they're getting value.” Due to the newness of AM-OLED technology, the manufacturing costs for this technology are higher. As a result, Sprint plans to introduce AM-OLED technology in its high-end cell phone line-up, including cell phones that are video-viewing ready. The name of the new AM OLED model at Sprint has not been released yet.
Casey Ryan, a product manager for Samsung confirmed the upcoming deal between Sprint and Samsung for an AM OLED phone. Currently, the Samsung Impression, which is sold by U.S. mobile operator AT&T, Inc., is the only AM-OLED Samsung phone available in the U.S. market.
The announcements were made at Sprint's New York launch of the Samsung Reclaim, a mobile phone that includes bioplastic materials and uses a beeping charger to let its owner know when the phone is recharged and can be unplugged in order to save on power costs. The Reclaim will be available for purchase on August 16th for $49.99 with the signing of a two-year service contract. It will also be available for retail purchase at Wal-Mart beginning in September.