Published in Mobiles

iPhone learns Skypeish

by on30 March 2009


Crackberries to follow suit in May

iPhone users
will finally be able to enjoy the popular internet telephony service Skype, and the Skype iPhone app will be available on iTunes on Tuesday.

Punters will be able to make free calls to other Skype users, and considering most iPhones sell with very attractive data plans, we are sure there will be no shortage of interest. Some Skype features, however, have been disabled. You won't be able to receive a second Skype call or take part in videoconferences, but the outfit did not rule out there features could be supported in the future.

The iPhone has been around since summer 2007, and Fring and TruPhone VoIP services are already available for the platform. However, Skype is more prolific, and Skype's CEO Scott Durchslag says Skype for the iPhone has been the number one request from Skype consumers.

The company also announced it is planning to launch a BlackBerry service in May.
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