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3G quad-band Bold hits Japan

Not likely that it will ever appear in the U.S.
We know that many users in North America are still waiting for RIM to offer a 3G quad-band version of the BlackBerry Bold in North America. It looks like you will have to wait a little longer, unless you can land one of the quad-band 3G BlackBerry Bolds that are now showing up in Japan.
That DoCoMo was able to get RIM to add the 800MHz band to the Bold for use on DoCoMo’s FOMA Plus Area network is a surprise. The FOMA Plus Area network is designed to travel long distances and difficult terrain by using the lower spectrum, which has greater penetration.
The decision by RIM to add this for DoCoMo is surprising, but is likely a good business decision for RIM. Still, once the word gets around about RIM doing this for one carrier, it has to be asked whether they will offer it for other carriers, as well.
DoCoMo had the new version of the Bold showing up for sale in Japan over the weekend, and from our understanding sales were good.