As we reported yesterday, we had sources directly telling us that Verizon was downgrading BlackBerry Storms due to an earlier version of the OS having some sort of bug. Additional fuel was thrown on the fire due to the two stickers that seemed to indicate different versions of the software for the Storm.
RIM is now telling pretty much everyone that will listen that this is, in fact, incorrect and the two stickers over the top of each other really contributed to the confusion and mis-information that was being spread.
As we understand it, the official version of the Verizon Storm OS is that is on platform version This is confirmed by looking at the Options/About option in the tools menu. At least some Storm boxes were incorrectly printed, with the version number being .82 rather than the .65 that it should have been. The stickers were corrected and applied to the several thousand boxes that were affected.
The rumors and suggestion of a last-minute downgrade of the OS on the Storm was incorrect. While some suggested that it happened, it didn’t, and the fact that there never was a version of the OS for the Storm is evidence of that fact.
So, it seems that there never was a glitch, bug, or security vulnerability and the entire thing was nothing more than a mis-printed sticker. It seems that our sources got it wrong, but at Fudzilla we are normally more often right than we are wrong.
Chasing this stuff down isn’t an exact science, and of course, while our version of the situation sounded better, we don’t guess that many of you want to read about a printing error, but that is what it was this time around.
Published in
RIM explains Storm OS saga
Sticker confusion leads to mis-information