Texas Instruments, famous for its calculators and DLP chips based projectors has demonstrated the worlds first finger sized projector. The prototype, based on DLP technology is capable of projecting HVGA resolution (640*240), and the projected image is the size of an A4 sheet of paper.
At first glance, the technology looks really good, a great solution for people who want to watch movies during long journeys. But after the honeymoon, comes reality, and it looks bulky and power hungry. When we look under the "hud" of the "pico" projector, we are going to find three lasers coupled with a DLP chip and power supply. They measure about 1.5 inch in length (near 4 cm). For mobile phone designers who are trying to shrink phones to be as small as possible, there could be a problem how to find that much space inside the phone for "pico".
The DLP chip is not eating much energy when
compared to big screen LCD TVs, but how long could it last with a mobile phone
battery, remains unknown. It certanly looks interesting.
Read more here.