The SuperPOD combines 140 of Nvidia’s DGX A100 units, machines that can be thought of as blade servers that house eight A100 Tensor Core GPUs. A SuperPOD cluster can scale to over 1,000 GPUs.
Nividia will offer DGX SuperPODS on a subscription basis. The graphics giant will own the SuperPODs, Equinix will host them, and NetApp provides storage hardware.
The company said that it sees subscriptions as an ideal on-ramp for users contemplating the purchase of their own SuperPOD. Pricing starts at $90,000 per month so it is not something you are going to want to hit your credit card to play Civ6 on.
To be fair, the purchase price of a SuperPOD is pretty pricey too which was why Nvidia has created new software called “Base Command” that shares out a SuperPOD’s resources among multiple users. Base Command can also operate against Nvidia kit running in third-party clouds, starting with AWS and Google.
Nvidia is working to make it possible for other server-makers to build DGX units into their own hardware, rather than selling the machines as standalone products. The plan is to make big GPU-driven rigs easier to acquire and operate for those who don’t want to build AI hardware silos.
Subscription SuperPODS will only be offered in North America.