In case you missed it earlier, Intel's 3D XPoint memory should replace current NAND memory and promises up to 1000x more performance and better endurance. As announced back in July, 3D XPoint memory and thus, Optane SSDs, will be available later next year, and will come in both standard PCIe form-factors as well as DIMM form-factor for Xeon systems.
Unfortunately, Intel still did not reveal any more details regarding the new 3D XPoint memory and we are still stuck with earlier available details.
During IDF 2015, Intel also demonstrated the first SSD with 3D XPoint memory in a system running on an Optane PCIe SSD. Compared to the Intel P3700 PCIe SSD, Optane SSD was over 7 times faster.
Hopefully we will hear more about Optane SSD lineup, as well as 3D XPoint memory as we draw closer to the end of the year.