Intel has shared with its partners that it wants to launch a next generation SSD drives in Q4 2010. It calls it Postville Refresh and they will be manufactured in a process smaller than 34nm.
If all goes well Intel should launch a new series of X-25 M drives in sizes up to a respectable 600GB. These drives should replace 34nm Postville drives that are currently shipping and are available in sizes up to 160GB.
The Postville Refresh will bring many drives in sizes from 80GB
for the cheapest all the way to 600GB for the fastest and biggest. It will be
manufactured in 2xnm process and we suspect that this might be 28nm, if not
even smaller, but we need to dig a bit deeper into this to find the right answer.
Intel didn’t share any performance details about these drives, but we can
imagine that they will end up quite fast.