Kingston has rolled out yet another 12GB DDR3-1600 HyperX kit, which should at least end up a bit cheaper than the US $1,300 3x4GB kit that was announced a while back. The new one should end up cheaper due to the fact that this time Kingston has decided to go for the 2GB modules which sums up to a total of six modules for the 12GB kit.
The kit has the same specifications as the previously announced kit and features the same recognizable blue HyperX heatsinks. It features XMP support, and works at 1600MHz with 9-9-9-27 latencies at an Intel friendly 1.65V.
The kit features a lifetime warranty and should hit retail with a price tag of around US $400. The kit is already listed in Europe with a lowest price set at €317,33, which way cheaper than the previous one that sells for around €1130. You can find them all listed here.