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OCZ's Agility EX SSD available in Europe
Sells for €329
OCZ's Agility EX, the one of the cheapest 60GB SLC based solid state drives on the market is finally available.
German retailer has some of those drives in stock but we don't know how many and for how long. The Agility EX uses SLC NAND flash memory in combination with Indilinx Barefoot controller and has 64MB of on-board cache. This combination allows it to have read and write speeds for up to 255 and 195MB/s.
The drive is backed by three years of warranty and as far as we know, is the first shop to have it. The €329 price tag doesn't sound bad considering the fact that the closest competition, regarding speed and capacity, is the Super Talent's Ultradrive GX which is a bit faster but retails at €469.
You can find the OCZ Agility EX available at here.