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WD launches 500GB My Passport's
Half a Terabyte in 2.5-inches
In the wake of its 400 and 500GB Scorpio 2.5-inch hard drive announcements, Western Digital has decided to include these new drives in its My Passport line of external 2.5-inch hard drives. The My Passport Elite and My Passport Essential series are now updated with 400 and 500GB models and will be available soon.
Both of these new drives will have the same features as all the other My Passport Elite and Essential portable drives. Both are USB powered, come with synchronization software with 128-bit encryption and can be used with gaming consoles. The Elite version has a capacity gauge, automatic backup software, and unlike the Essential, which is available in 11 different colors, the Elite has only four color options.
The new My Passport drives are backed by a 5-year warranty and come with a suggested retail price of US$179.99 for the 400GB My Passport Essential, all the way up to US$219.99 for the 500GB My Passport Elite.
My Passport Essential
My Passport Elite