Just two days after OCZ announced two low latency DDR3 1600MHz kits, they decided to push it even further. This time they hit 1800MHz at CL8.
New modules are tested and qualified to work at 1800MHz and 8-8-8-27 latencies. As the PR stated modules should take latest Intel Platforms to previously unimaginable levels. It is just unclear how much OC will these modules be able to take. But, they are high clocked and we must give credit to OCZ for that.
“OCZ is excited to release the world’s first 1800MHz DDR3 solution, which offers consumers not only the fastest production specification, but has additional headroom for enthusiasts to go on and break records,” commented Dr. Michael Schuette, VP of Technology Development at OCZ Technology.
New modules will be available as a single 1GB module and as a 2x1GB dual channel kit. They come with lifetime warranty, and have platinum-mirrored XTC heatspreaders for cooling.