Samsung to release dedicated controller for GearVR headsets
Published in IoT

Shipping with upcoming Galaxy S8-compatible GearVR headset

Samsung’s first handheld controller for the GearVR mobile headset has just made its way through the FCC, and several outlets now expect the controller to end up being announced by the end of the quarter.

Valve will not lose sleep if VR fails
Published in IoT

But it is still doing ok

VR headset developer Valve has said that it does not really matter if its VR tech turns out to be a complete failure.

Facebook closes Oculus demo stations
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No one interested

Facebook is closing around 200 of its 500 Oculus Rift virtual-reality demo stations at Best Buy locations across the US.

Oculus broke ZeniMax’s NDA
Published in IoT

Court ruling a bit of a cow for both sides 

A Texas Court has decided that Oculus will have to pay half a billion dollars to ZeniMax because Oculus co-Founder Palmer Luckey failed to comply with a non-disclosure agreement he signed.

Barra was poached by Facebook
Published in IoT

Try and make something happen with VR

The bloke credited with helping sorting out Xiaomi was poached by Facebook where it is hoped he can do something with Oculus.