Published in IoT

Barra was poached by Facebook

by on26 January 2017

Try and make something happen with VR

The bloke credited with helping sorting out Xiaomi was poached by Facebook where it is hoped he can do something with Oculus.

Hugo Barra, who recently left Xiaomi where he helped launch the Chinese company’s virtual reality headset, will be joining Facebook in a couple of months to head all of the company’s virtual reality efforts, including leading the Oculus team. He is replacing Brendan Iribe.

Facebook CEO, and Hawaiian land grabber Mark Zuckerberg said that he had known Hugo for a long time, starting when he helped develop the Android operating system, to the last few years he's worked at Xiaomi.

“Hugo shares my belief that virtual and augmented reality will be the next major computing platform. They'll enable us to experience completely new things and be more creative than ever before. Hugo is going to help build that future, and I'm looking forward to having him on our team.”


Barra wrote on his own Facebook page that he is joining the company as VP of VR and to lead the Oculus team.

“Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun always says that the highest calling of an engineer is to make technology breakthroughs quickly and readily available to the widest possible spectrum of humanity,” he wrote. “That will be my mission at Facebook and I look forward to building the future of immersive technology with Mark Zuckerberg, Brendan Trexler Iribe, Mike Schroepfer, and the visionaries in the Oculus team.”

He added that it had been a dream to work in virtual reality even back when AR/VR were just figments of science fiction; now we're taking selfies in virtual worlds :),” he wrote.

Last modified on 26 January 2017
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