According to the BBC city of Takikawa, about 570 miles from Tokyo by rampaging monster, has splashed out on a robot wolf which was originally supposed to wild animals from farmlands but is now being used by local governments and managers of highways, golf courses, and pig farms.
The "Monster Wolf" has glowing red eyes which are all the better to see bears with and protruding fangs which imply they could eat the bear if needed.
The solar-powered Monster Wolf emits a menacing roar if it detects a nearby bear. It also has a set of flashing LED lights on its tail and can move its head to appear more real.
The robot's design is apparently based on a real wolf that roamed part of the Asian nation more than 100 years ago before it was hunted to extinction. Now it seems that the Japanese want to do that with bears -- who are probably only looking for bowls of porridge or picnic baskets.
Japanese news outlet NHK reported earlier this month that bear attacks in the country are at their highest level since records began in 2007.
The environment ministry said 53 cases of injuries because of such attacks were reported between April and July this year, with at least one person dying following an attack in Hokkaido in May.