Vole has patented the idea of using your AR to help you find your keys.
The recently published application covers a system that would let its HoloLens glasses track small items like car keys, stopping wearers from misplacing them. It can monitor the status of objects without any instructions from users, keeping tabs on anything that’s important to their lives.
HoloLens has outward-facing cameras that can make a spatial map of a room, and machine vision technology can identify or track specific objects in an image.
HoloLens could hypothetically spot the keys through the camera and quietly note their position. When you’re about to leave the house, it could give you the keys’ last known location, even if they’ve since been covered up by a newspaper or slipped under a couch cushion.
The move requires you to be consistently wearing smart glasses and if you drop your keys somewhere without looking at them, the system might not register that they’ve moved.
It is probably better to use a Bluetooth tracker on an item if you’re consistently losing it. But it is more interesting that you can track an object using HoloLens. It means that the technology will have to learn what is important to you and what items you need to follow.
Published in
Microsoft AR can help you find your keys
Hololens gives you a photographic memory
Software king of the world, Microsoft’s new AR Hololens tech is starting to look really cool, and it could be getting even better if a new patent is anything to go by.