Powered by Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon Wear 2100 chipset, with a quad-core Cortex-A7 CPU part clocked at 1.2GHz and an Adreno 304 GPU, paired up with 512MB of RAM and 4GB of internal storage, the Asus Zenwatch 3 should pack enough punch to power the round 1.39-inch AMOLED 400x400 resolution display, which adds up to 287 PPI. The screen is protected with Corning Gorilla Glass so scratches should be minimal.
The design of the Asus Zenwatch 3 is very elegant with a rose gold ring making the bezel of the screen. While it will be available in three color choices, Gunmetal, Silver and Rose Gold, the rose gold ring will remain on all three color choices. It also comes with three buttons on the side which should, at least according to Asus, provide a more intuitive functionality.
The chassis of the Zenwatch 3, which is 9.95mm thick, is made of stainless steel and there will be a couple of strap choices, from rubber to leather, lacking only a good stainless steel one. It will also have an IP67 certification, so it should hold out in up to 1m deep water.
Asus has also prepared more than 50 watch faces with support for customizable widgets and it will run on Android Wear 2.0 OS.
While its 340mAh battery probably won't give it a full two days of life, Asus has included support for the Asus Hypercharge technology, which should charge it from 0% to 60% in just 15 minutes.
According to details provided by Asus, the Zenwatch 3 will launch later this year with a price set at €229.