Published in IoT

Intel rumoured to want Recon

by on27 May 2015

Canadian wearable tech

Canadian wearable tech company Recon is on the verge of being bought by Intel.

The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell on earth yarn which suggests that Intel wants the Vancouver-based startup, which builds heads-up displays and other sports products.

In 2013 Intel Capital, made a "significant investment" in the company which supported Recon's product development, marketing, and global sales expansion.

At the time Mike Bell Chipzilla's Vice President and General Manager of the New Devices Group said that Recon Instruments had compelling technology and a solid strategy to capitalize on the wearable revolution.

It looks like he was right. Recon has been quietly cornered the sport and outdoor wearable HUD market since its first product launch in 2010.

Now it seems that all the risk has gone out of it, and the outfit has some sensible tech, Intel can set about writing a cheque for the outfit.

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