In an interview with the Australian Financial Review, Woz praised Apple archbishop Tim Cook for his decision to launch bigger iPhones. He said he "admired" the decision to break from Steve Jobs' dogma by building big-screen iPhones. He went on to say that he is not a huge fan of wearables and said the market should not expect Apple to lead the way. Apple is late to the party anyway, as Samsung, Google, Sony, LG and Asus are already pushing Android Wear.
"Everyone expects that Apple is going to have more of these huge new categories of products introduced all the time because that is what they did in the past, but those ideas do not come along very often," said Wozniak.
However, it should be noted that many analysts still expect Apple to sell 10 million smartwatches in the first year of sales, despite the fact that the device won't launch for another couple of months.
Woz didn't have much to say about Google Glass, either. He said it just makes no sense in terms of what he does for what it costs.