“Real people” don’t need encryption
Published in News
Wednesday, 02 August 2017 11:24

“Real people” don’t need encryption

Tory minister thinks it is not for the prols who want to be spied on

UK home secretary Amber Rudd has called on messaging apps like WhatsApp to ditch end-to-end encryption, arguing that it aids terrorists.

UK industrial software is compromised
Published in News
Wednesday, 19 July 2017 06:00

UK industrial software is compromised

Hackers have control of the code

British spooks have discovered that some industrial software companies in the UK are "likely to have been compromised" by hackers.

UK adult websites face £250,000 fines
Published in News
Monday, 17 July 2017 06:00

UK adult websites face £250,000 fines

Protect the kiddies

UK websites without age-verification software may have to pay an eye-watering fine or be banned altogether.

UK political hack was carried out by amateurs
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Not the Russians this time

A hack of UK politicians which was thought to be the work of Russians turned out to be carried out by amateurs.

Weakened and unstable British PM declares war on encryption
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Gotta blame someone

UK PM Theresa May has failed to notice that bringing out too many unpopular policies can make even an unelectable leftie like Jeremy Corban look viable.

Techies mock Teresa May’s internet terror policy
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It will make it harder to track terrorists

As we expected, Teresa May is attempting to use the latest terrorist attacks in the UK to clamp down on the use of the internet by non-terrorists. The only problem is that security experts are warning that her plans will make it harder to track terror cells.

Manchester attack used for internet crackdown
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Fear is the weapon of terrorists.. oh and the government

The UK government is hoping that the population of the UK is so terrified by the Manchester bombings, that they will support a wholesale crackdown on the internet.

UK about to go mental with Internet laws
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End to encryption and a porn licence

The UK government is planning to enact a daft batch of Internet reform which will require people to register at the post office if they want to access porn sites.

UK gets Honor
Published in News
Wednesday, 05 April 2017 11:05

UK gets Honor

Latest edition to the Honor 8 flagship

Honor has released the Honor 8 Pro - the latest addition to the Honor 8 flagship series in the UK

Chinese cyber gang targets UK firms
Published in News
Tuesday, 04 April 2017 12:51

Chinese cyber gang targets UK firms

Global hacking operation

A Chinese cyber gang has been hitting UK firms as part of a "systematic" global cyber espionage campaign.