Google offers Android cross licencing
No-one knows why and evil plan expected
Google is offering up PAX a royalty-free, community-patent cross-license for its Android product, but no one is really sure why.
Google’s AI chips takes normal chips to the cleaners
At least for voice recognition
Google’s attempts to solve its voice recognition problems might have resulted in an AI chip which cleans the clocks of the big chip makers.
Samsung Galaxy S8 doesn’t Daydream
But it GearVRs just fine
Google made a lot of noise about its Daydream platform and a few of our colleagues have reported that you cannot install a Daydream app on a Galaxy S8 phone.
Google Home hoovers up 12 more smart home vendors
Now works with sprinklers, locks, A/C, professional smart home systems
Google said it is beginning to fulfill more potential in its voice-activated speaker and smart home platform - that's Google Home. This week, people will be able to control devices from 12 companies, marking the platform’s largest update since its launch in November.
Google announces real-time location sharing on Google Maps
Available for Android and iOS in coming weeks
Google has decided that it will bring real-time location to Google Maps for Android users, iPhone users, mobile web and desktop users, letting anyone with a shared link to know where you are while you're traveling.
Google promises to sort out right-wing advert crisis
Losing customers
Google has promised to sort out a mess in its British operations after advertisers were furous that their adverts were being seen promoting right-wing hate videos.
Google reveals more web-friendly compression
Slow to compress quicker to open
Google Research come up with a better way of encoding JPEG images which can cut a third off JPEG image file-sizes with equal (or improved) appearance.
Swatch enters the wearable OS market
Look out Apple
Designer watch maker Swatch said that it has written its own alternative operating system for mobile watches and will be launching its own battle for the world’s watches next year.
New Chrome throttles tabs
Saving processing power
Starting with Chrome 57, Google has started limiting the amount of resources background tabs can use.
Google wants to save UK electricity with AI
No added infrastructure
Google Deepmind is opening talks with the UK government to use the company's artificial intelligence to reduce British energy use by up to 10 percent.