Tesla hit by Chinese tariffs
Published in News
Thursday, 05 July 2018 18:12

Tesla hit by Chinese tariffs

Trade war begins to bite

Despite signs that Tesla is beginning to turn the corner on production, it faces a new set of woes tomorrow.

Apple Siri intervenes in Syria debate
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 03 July 2018 18:02

Apple Siri intervenes in Syria debate

Hey Mr Speaker, what's an iPhone?

A UK minister was interrupted by Siri when he was making a speech in the Houses of Parliament today.

Euro chip sales soar
Published in News
Tuesday, 03 July 2018 17:33

Euro chip sales soar

Weather hotting up

The European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA) reported monthly sales for May 2018 and show the chip industry in the continent remains buoyant.

iPhone users left out of Europe scheme
Published in News
Thursday, 21 June 2018 15:25

iPhone users left out of Europe scheme

Use Android, UK government says

A scheme to allow European Union citizens who want to stay in the UK after the country leaves next year will exclude people who use iPhones from registering.

Russians ready to hack your car
Published in Transportation
Thursday, 14 June 2018 12:11

Russians ready to hack your car

They've got a blinking swerve

A top brass from the UK's army has warned that Vladimir Putin's cybertroops may well target British traffic lights and Belisha beacons and other vulnerable points as the move to IP based systems builds up a head of steam. 

ARM shakes fist at X86 notebook hegemony
Published in News
Thursday, 31 May 2018 18:34

ARM shakes fist at X86 notebook hegemony

And Microsoft seems keen too...

We've waited years and years for ARM to offer a real challenge to Intel on the notebook front, and judging from what the company announced today in Old Taiwan, 2019 could be when Chipzilla discovers it has an Achilles' heel. Intel isn't invulnerable, despite its size, demonstrated, for example,  by the way it totally missed the boat on the smartphone front.

Graphics market is a switchback ride
Published in News
Tuesday, 29 May 2018 22:11

Graphics market is a switchback ride

No kidding. What goes up, must go down

I dunno, dear readers of Fudzilla, if you've ever been on a rollercoaster?

GDPR sends email into a tailspin
Published in News
Thursday, 24 May 2018 12:05

GDPR sends email into a tailspin

Heavy rain, interspersed with scattered showers

With only a few hours to go before the introduction of Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), peoples' email inboxes are filling with what can only be described as high level spam.

Intel nears the big 50
Published in News
Friday, 18 May 2018 11:49

Intel nears the big 50

Middle age approaches

Chip giant Intel will be 50 on July the 18th, and like many a middle aged soul, its mind is turning to events in the past.

Intel chooses Jerusalem for self-driving tests
Published in Transportation

Because it's difficult

Part of Intel's attempt to re-engineer its business is getting into the self-driving business and now its Mobileye division said it has chosen Jerusalem to test its technology.