Although many ATI fans rejoiced upon hearing rumors that ATI will team up with Blizzard, things don’t look so good for the red team now.
There have been rumors that Diablo 3 will use DX10.1, currently supported only by ATI, and that it’ll use Intel’s Havok physics instead of Nvidia’s PhysX offering, but when things are put into timeframe – it looks quite different.
Diablo 3 was announced only a couple of days ago, and Blizzard pointed out that it’s far from done, since there’s a lot of polishing yet to do. Furthermore, there are rumors that Diablo won’t arrive until 2010. That would mean that Diablo 3’s support for DX10.1 won’t mean squat, as by that time we’ll already have Windows 7 and DX 11 on our hands.
Time, or rather Diablo 3, will tell, but there’re rumors that Nvidia already sent their man to optimize the 3D code, which could very well mean that Diablo 3 might end up a TWIMTBP game.
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