Late Friday night our time a big story broke that involves a bunch of leaked emails from inside Microsoft where chaps such as Steven Sinofsky (Sr. VP, Windows) emailed Steve Ballmer (CEO) with claims that Intel 945 “barely” works with Vista. He also advised that classifying 915 as Vista capable is a bad call.
Microsoft lowered the Vista requirement after which even Intel 's 915 chipset qualified for Vista and one of the group managers described this as a tragedy and that “Based on objective criteria that exist today for capable even a piece of junk will qualify.” These are brave words from Anantha Kancherla (Group Program Manager...Direct X development).
Microsoft lowered the targets and made 915 as Vista capable and everyone knows that this chipset cannot even run the Aero interface. Intel 945 can barely run the same interface that is the most appealing feature of Vista, while things gets better with 965 chipset and higher.
This is going to help the class action against Microsoft's Vista capable program and it will definitely start a big inquiry in business standards.
This is the first time in years that such a big deal becomes a public matter and we know that Intel and big guys such as HP and Dell are almost completely controlling the markets and basically can force whatever they want or cause companies big losses.
You can read more here.
Published in
Microsoft internal emails trash 945G / 915G chipsets under Vista
Intel forced Microsoft to lower its standards