Published in Graphics

Mike Magee talks about Nvidia

by on01 March 2008


Column: The voice of IT experience

Eight years ago, two leap years back, I hired Fudo to write a story for the Rogister which is here.

A year later at the Rogister I was out on my neck and had to start up a new organ called the INQUIRER. Fudo was on my wish list. One year ago, Fudo started up Fudzilla, and now I’m writing for him. He’s terribly bossy when he’s in charge, you know.

Fudo has asked me to write a column for him and I’m perfectly happy to do that – I have another project in process so I dunno how often I’m gonna tip up on this Bosnian site. He reckons I should write about Nvidia, so I will doff my cap to him, and the rest of this column will be about Graphzilla.

Nvidia, Nvidia. One of the seven deadly sins is envy, but it has to be said that Graphzilla suffers from very few of the other six. Sloth isn’t its style. Lust? Depends how you interpret it. Nvidia has an overly keen  desire to be number one – that’s not considered a deadly sin for an IT company, it is more like one of the seven virtues.

I must hereby confess that in my heart, and yeah, I got one, there is room for Nvidia, despite its ambition, lust and desire to be number one. It’s definitely a gutsy firm, and although it tried in vain to buy Transmeta a few years ago, and faltered on the rocks of Via in its bid to grab an X86 license, there is one thing you can say about Nvidia, and that is you cannot even begin to contemplate its high vaulting ambitions.

Where there is a will, there is certainly a way, and if there is a way, the gaffer in charge of Nvidia, Jen Hsen, will find it. The more obstacles you put in his path, the easier he will find it to vault.

If there was an Olympic Games for tech companies, Nvidia would score gold, gold and gold again. It’s such a shame ATI/AMD is so feeble these days. Will no one stand up on the ockey and give Chipzilla and Chimpzilla a run for their money? If there’s one firm that can do so, it’s Graphzilla and it can do so like the “Black Prince” Harry, who got his archers to stick up two fingers at the then enemy, galvanizing the little nation called England into action against its foes.

I’m Scottish, so obviously am on the side of the French. But go, Nvidia, go!

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Last modified on 04 March 2008
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