Sapphire, as nearly every other ATI partner, has announced its HD 3870 X2 card. Like most partners, Sapphire has also decided to stick to the reference design and not to change anything except the sticker. Sapphire went for the "Lara Croft themed" Ruby look sticker.
Even if Sapphire's site doesn't have any specifications on this card (except that it comes with 1GB of GDDR3 memory) we can assume that it has reference clocks (825/900MHz), since the cooling is based on a reference design. The sticker has been changed again, and this time it features Ruby in "Lara Croft" look, which has become a trademark on most of the Sapphire's HD 3000 series cards.
If you have missed the recent announcements, the HD 3870 X2 comes with support for DirectX 10.1 and Shader model 4.1. The card is listed here and the price is €468.49.