Rumors about the R600Pro card have been floating around the net for some time. The first solid proof of such a card were the beta drivers. Now the second one, and this one is even more solid, is the listing of a card on the HIS web site.
HIS offers the HD 2900 Pro 512MB GDDR3 VIVO PCIe and sheds some light on the cards specifications. Apparently the card is not that different from the HD 2900 XT. It has the same 512-bit memory interface and 320 stream processors.
The only difference that we could notice was the lower clock speeds. HIS' Radeon HD 2900 Pro features 600MHz clock for the GPU and 1,600MHz for memory, which is not that much lower than the 740MHz/825MHz (1,650MHz) of the reference Radeon HD 2900XT. HIS also announced its suggested retail price of $249 for the 512MB GDDR3 version.
You can find the mentioned specifications on the HIS web site.