Published in Graphics

Gecube's new Gemini pixelized

by on04 June 2007
Dual 2600 XT in Technicolor


Our colleagues
over at Tweaktown managed to get an exclusive picture of the new Gemini Radeon 2600XT card from Gecube.

Information about the card specifications are sparse, and all available information are from the picture of the card. With Computex around the corner more information about this dual GPU will be available soon. As for what can be seen on the picture, it's a dual slot solution, with a massive copper cooler and it has four DVI connectors. Dual GPU equals double the fun with DVI connectors.


Cards clocks remains a mystery for now, and we all hope that Gecube manages to push it up to at least reference speeds, maybe even higher. All will be revealed at Computex. You can find the original article on Tweaktown.


Last modified on 05 June 2007
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