Our sources confirmed that R650 will work at a higher frequency than the previous R600 chip. R600 works at 740 MHz and it can easily be overclocked to 850 MHz. The new R650 chip will have much lower heat dissipation, as it will be manufactured at 65 nanometre and the transistors and gates will get significantly smaller, which means less heat.
ATI have been working on the R650 for a while, as it takes time to respin a chip and write your libraries for a complete new process. This cost you money and a lot of time, but we don’t think ATI had any choice. R600 simply didn’t turn out to fulfill its expectations and there are some big slues to be filled.
The biggest trouble for ATI right now is that Nvidia is probably working on a smaller version of G80, but we don’t know if Nvidia plans to shrink it to 80 or 65 nanometre first.
We are confident that Nvidia will prepare its answer to R650.
Published in
R650 to touch GHz speeds
Faster clock speeds than R600