A while ago, when I was still part of the Inquirer, Dailytech started some mayhem against Fudo and the Rydermark benchmark. You can read this questionable piece here ,and the Dailytech suggestion to make a donation if I had the benchmark.
The Daily boys even suggested that I got fired from the INQ as they were right and I was wrong, but what they don’t know is that I made a decision to leave before that and my colleagues can confirm that.
This is what I replied to all that, here.
Well, the guys at overclockersclub got the benchmark and they tested it here.
The benchmark is real and I have had it for months, but the graphics on it can be questionable. Now the Dailytech boys can go over to overclockersclub as well and many other sites that will get the benchmarks as well.
Forget the politics and go to overclockers club here and enjoy one of the first in game screenshots. We will make our own preview in the next few days but we are too busy with the overclocked 8800 Ultra now.