According to Nvidia’s full list, the current GP100 chip will have a total of 19 SKUs aside from the current Tesla P100 Data Center Accelerator. The device IDs have three descriptors – “GP100GL-A,” “GP100-B” and “GP100GL-B” – and these can range from new Quadro units, new Tesla units, new GRID units and possibly even some consumer Geforce cards. – Nvidia GP100 Pascal full hardware device ID list
In the new Pascal GP102 lineup, we can expect another 11 SKUs for a wide range of Geforce, Titan, Quadro and Tesla parts that are more intended to be released several months from now, after initial GP104 products (Geforce GTX 1080, Geforce GTX 1070) have been on the market for at least six months. These device IDs have four descriptors – “GP102-A,” “GP102GL-A,” “GP102-B” and “GP102GL-B” – and expects the Geforce GTX 1080 Ti, a successor to the current Geforce GTX Titan X, and the possible introduction of some new “Ti” cards (possibly Geforce GTX 1070 Ti, Geforce GTX 1060 Ti, or both). The Geforce GTX 1080 Ti will be an interesting GPU as the GP102 is essentially a "half-step" between GP100 (see: Tesla P100 Accelerator) and GP104 (Geforce GTX 1080). Some early estimates put the TDP around 250W. – Nvidia Pascal GP102 full hardware device ID list
In the current Pascal GP104 lineup, home of the Geforce GTX 1080 and Geforce GTX 1070, there are a total of 15 new SKUs for a wide range of desktop and mobile Geforce GPUs along with a few new Quadro units. The device IDs have four descriptors – “GP104-A,” “GP104GL-A,” “GP104-B” and “GP104GL-B” – and we can expect the upcoming Geforce GTX 1080M (GP104) to be listed as one of these units.
Going down into the performance midrange market, Nvidia plans to release 9 new SKUs based on Pascal GP106. These can include a variety of new desktop and mobile Geforce GPUs along with at least one Quadro card. The device IDs have four descriptors – “GP106-A,” “GP106GL-A,” “GP106-B” and “GP106GL-B” – and we can expect the upcoming Geforce GTX 1060 and Geforce GTX 1060M to be listed under this codename family.
In the standard midrange market, there will be 7 new SKUs based on Pascal GP107. The device IDs have three descriptors – “GP107-A,” “GP107GL-A” and “GP107-B” – and we can expect the Geforce GTX 1050 and Geforce GTX 1050M to be listed under this codename family, along with three new Quadro cards.
Finally at the upper entry-level range, there will be a single new SKU based on Pascal GP108. The device ID descriptor is “GP108-A” and is expected to include the upcoming Geforce GTX 1040 and Geforce GTX 1040M.
The AIDA64 development team notes that the original list contains a few Maxwell-based cards as well, and these are labeled “GMxxx-B” cards. It is possible that these “B” chips are second-generation, optimized versions of the original Maxwell-based GM200 chip in the event that Pascal was somehow delayed due to yields or other issues. According to the most recent company earnings call, CEO Jen-Hsun Huang claims that Pascal yields are “good” and that TSMC “has yields under great control.”
The AIDA64 development team's full list of Nvidia's Pascal GP100, GP102, GP104, GP106, GP107 and GP108 hardware device IDs can be found here.