Published in Graphics

Nvidia releases new Geforce 365.10 WHQL drivers

by on03 May 2016

Game Ready drivers for Battleborn

Nvidia has releases its latest Geforce 365.10 WHQL Game Ready drivers which bring all the optimizations for the new Battleborn game as well as some other games that will be coming soon.

According to the release notes, there aren't plenty of new fixes and improvements compared to the earlier available Geforce 364.96 Beta drivers.

As these are Game Ready drivers you will get all the game specific optimizations, SLI profiles and Geforce Experience profile settings. The list starts with the latest game from Gearbox which includes both elements of the FPS and MOBA games, the Battleborn. In addition to the optimizations for Battleborn, the new Geforce 365.10 WHQL drivers also provide improvements for three new upcoming games, Forza 6 Apex Beta, which should be available on May 5th, Overwatch Open Beta, which starts on May 4th and The Paragon Open Beta which starts during the next weekend.

The new Geforce 365.10 WHQL drviers also include SLI profiles for Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and Ovewatch. The release notes also mention a Windows 10 memory management issue that may cause Quantum Break to crash on some GPUs, especially with higher game settings and this one will be fixed in a future Windows Update. There are also a few minor fixes, which you can check out in the full release notes

As always, you can find the new Geforce 365.10 WHQL Game Ready drivers at Nvidia's support page, and check out trailer for those upcoming games below.


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