Sulon Q uses the AMD FX-8800P processor, Radeon R7-GPU. It uses LiquidVR technology which gives developers the tools to create graphics-rich games, applications and experiences. The big idea is to offer VR without wires.
Its version can manage API tech, including DirectX 12 and the AMD Mantle-based Vulkan. According to the company the Sulon Q has access to four compute cores and eight GPU cores, which help fire visuals onto a 2560x1440 OLED display. It also has 3D sound using AstoundSound technology and ear buds optimised for spatial audio. It also has a 256GB SSD and 8GB of RAM.
So what you are looking at is a lower-end wearable PC running Windows 10 strapped to your skull. You might need a few neck exercises and we don’t think you will be doing virtual reality yoga for a while – at least until you have muscles like the incredible Hulk.
Sulon Q’s secret sauce is its Spatial Processing Unit, which generates a 3D map of a person’s surroundings using two front-facing cameras. This allows for Sulon Q users to have their movements tracked without needing the external sensors.
At the moment there is no release date or cost being touted. Late Spring has been suggested so that gives you time to work out those neck and shoulder muscles.