Matrox has launched its first graphics cards based on AMD silicon. The company recently announced that it would start producing cards based on AMD GPUs and the C420 LP and C680 are the company’s first cards with AMD brains.
However, there is still no word on the exact type of AMD GPUs used in the cards. As the name suggests, the C420 LP is a low-profile card. It is passively cooled and takes up a single slot, but it can drive four displays at resolutions of up to 2560x1600. It sports 2GB of GDDR5 and features DirectX 11.2, OpenCL 1.2 and OpenGL 4.4 support.
The C680 is a bit more serious. It can handle up to six 4K/UHD displays at 30Hz, or three displays at 60Hz. It is actively cooled and it is a full height card. Like its smaller sibling it has 2GB of GDDR5.
Matrox has no revealed any info on pricing and availability. Needless to say, these are professional cards and they won’t come cheap. Matrox is not just another AMD AIB, at least not yet...